Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (The genius, the weird, and what the?)

Genius (and generally awesome things)
When there is a grocery store that is in a multi level building, they have these walking sidewalks so you can take your cart from one level to the next.  The carts have magnetized devices on the wheels so they don't roll while you are on the moving sidewalks.  Genius!!
Anytime you can find great socks, it's a good day!  Thank you Auchan (Russian Wal Mart)

We saw this bike in a store.  I think it looks like it would be really hard to ride.  Like riding a toddler bike for grown ups.  You would have to peddle a million times to go 2 feet.

There are parks EVERYWHERE here.  I love it!  And the cool thing is, people use them ALL year round!  Can you see the people?  They wrap their kids up like ticks and they go play.  It is VERY important that children get "fresh" air everyday!
Why pay lots of money for equipment that can paint the srtipes on the streets?  Just hire Olga and Dimitri.  They'll come out on a Saturday morning and fill their ice cream buckets full of paint and take of it.

This is truly genius!  It keeps cars our yet lets the pedestrians in!  Thank you for not making us bend and duck under that arm!  
Don't paying big money to replace a broken window again!  Just use stretch wrap!  Truly genius!  

Cracks me up!  I guess pirates are welcome to work here.

I have been unable to sleep for days trying to figure out how to keep my cheetah's paws from getting wet and dirty.  NOW I know!
This is a Russian tow truck.  The Claw lifts your car out of it's place, lifts it up on the bed of the truck and it gets hauled away.  It is genius because if it were towing it behind, you would have one more car in traffic.  It somehow seems a little more harsh than just pulling it behind.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe it is the Claw...

 The Weird
These are crouton type of things.  They are in the snack isle by the chips.  Apparently these are calamari and beer flavored.

This is looking out my front door.  They haul the snow off and dump it all in the rivers.  It happens all over the city not just in our housing community.

The shoes here are crazy!  I may have to do an entire post on the shoes!  I think I will.  
I was riding the metro.  I am the one on the right, in the levis, and some lady sat next to me wearing these black pants...  I was very grateful that the metro driver did not have to stop fast.  I am also grateful that the lady did not notice me taking a picture of her pants cause her face looked a lot like her pants and she might have wanted to wrestle me.
Also  a pair of pants I saw on the same day as the spikey pants.  These were on the city shuttle thing though.  It's hard to tell but they are "MC Hammer" pants, jeans style.

What The??
This box was placed on this spot to keep people from driving over the man hole.  

A sign at the zoo.  Bwahahaha.  No problem.  I won't be swimming here.

There are many things that give me sticker shock.  I put my soda can next to the cashews so you could see the size of the can.  $12!!!!  

This is a $9 bowl of chips.  I nearly chocked to pay that.  The good news is, when the prices are in Rubles, it doesn't really have the same impact as when you see the price in Dollars.  Once I realized how much I paid for these, I had to take a picture of them so the memory of them would last longer.  Maybe it would feel like I got my $9 worth.

Russian Box Elder Bugs doing what they do best.  Russia has Box Elder Bugs too!  What??!!  

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