Friday, April 11, 2014

A visitor

The other day we got the last of our stuff and we had boxes galore.  Chris popped the screen out of our living room window so that we could just drop the boxes down to the driveway.  This worked fabulously.  The problem was, we had a hornet fly in.  Ethan was sitting at the computer and saw the hornet fly right into the pencil sharpener hole.  He was freaking out and so I hurried and sharpened a pencil.  We opened the tray to see if we had hornet guts in there but there were none!  So, we were convinced that it had flown into the motor part of the sharpener.  This was our answer.  If you need a pencil sharpened, go to the neighbor's.  It has been at least 2 weeks and we still don't dare to take the tape off.  What if the hornet has been living on pencil shavings this whole time and comes flying out steaming mad????

As I look at this picture I notice that there is crayon drawn on our sharpener.  I'm pretty sure my kids are too old to still be drawing on things with crayons!!!!  Stop the madness boys!


  1. I love your blog! Thanks for sharing-Tammy

  2. So good to read of your adventures in Moscow Jeppsons. We miss you guys!

  3. I guess Chris didn't bring his bee suit to Russia?
