Wednesday, October 2, 2013

(We rented bikes and rode through the National Mall and saw all of the historical monuments.  Each time we stopped, Ethan had to organize our bikes in an organized fashion.  He cracks me up.)

“We are all in this together. We need each other. Oh, how

 we need each other. Those of us who are old need you who 

are young, and hopefully, you who are young need some of 

us who are old...We need deep and satisfying and loyal 

friendships with each other. These friendships are a 

necessary source of sustenance. We need to renew our faith 

every day. We need to lock arms and help build the 


so that it will roll forth and fill the whole earth.” 

This week I have learned that this quote is very true.  Sometime I think it is easier to just do my thing here and not worry about making friends that I will just have to leave in a few months.  It hardly seems worth the effort.  I feel so awkward socializing even with people that I know so, making myself go to activities and functions that have been planned, by myself, sitting by myself doesn't always seem so appealing.  But, after a week of keeping to myself, I went, with Chris, to dinner with a friend last night and that made all the difference in the world!  I felt so much better about life!  I believe it is true that we need each other.  No matter how short the time we are together.  We need a place to give and receive love and service and laughter and companionship and girl talk and and and.  So, even though it is uncomfortable and I may seem awkward, I know that I must put myself out there.  I must find a place to share myself and let others share with me, for my sake.  And others need it too, for their sake.  When I don't put myself out there, I am depriving them of things they need.  Not because I'm awesome to hang out with but, because everyone needs someone, even if it is just for an evening of socializing.  It truly takes a village folks!  I get that phrase more and more the older I get.  

1 comment:

  1. Ummm....I agree with everything except the part where you said "not because I'm awesome to hang out with..". You are beyond awesome to hang out with and anyone who gets some of that awesomeness is LUCKY!! I miss it. I do love that quote by Sister Hinckley though and you said some great things here. Thanks!
